
CAM Cancer follows a strict methodology to ensure that the summaries are unbiased and of high quality. Using pre-defined guidelines and templates, the summaries are based on systematic searches, a critical evaluation of current research and are fully peer reviewed.

Magnifying glass on text. Illustration by

CAM-Cancer follows a strict methodology to ensure that the summaries found on the website are of high quality.

Our writing, review and editorial processes all follow pre-defined methods, and the CAM Cancer Editorial Team and Advisory Committee ensure that CAM Cancer summaries comply with the guidelines and templates.

The dates for when a summary was last updated and when its next update is due, varies among the summaries. This information is found in each summary's "Document history" section. Further details concerning document history (search strategy, updates/ revisions, personnel etc) are available upon request.

CAM cancer summary manual

The CAM Cancer summary manual provides detailed information about the methodology used for writing and reviewing summaries, and describes the editorial process employed by CAM Cancer. 
An outcome from the original CAM Cancer project was the development of a strict methodology for producing and reviewing the high quality summaries found today on this website:

Writing process

Review process

Editorial process



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