Editorial team

Scientific Coordinator and Senior Editor

Barbara Wider MA MA
NAFKAM, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Technical Editor

Ola Lillenes BA
Head of Communications, NAFKAM and Chief Editor of Norway's national information service for complementary and alternative medicine

Responsible Editors

  • Edzard Ernst MD, PhD, MAE, FMEdSci, FSB, FRCP, FRCPEd
    Emeritus Professor, University of Exeter Medical School, UK 
  • Moshe Frenkel MD
    Chair of The Israeli Society of Complementary Medicine; Clinical Associate Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch, USA; Director of Integrative Oncology Service, Institute of Oncology, Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba, Israel 
  • Markus Horneber MD
    Senior Physician, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Klinikum Nürnberg, Paracelsus Medical University, Germany
  • Karen Pilkington BPharm, MSc, PhD, MRPharmS, FHEA
    Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Westminster, London, UK 

Pharmacology Editors

  • Christoph Ritter PhD
    Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald, Germany
  • Janine Ziemann Dipl. Pharmacist
    Research Fellow, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald, Germany

Support staff

  • Leala Watson – literature searches
  • Tine Lillegård Bergli - information specialist M.Phil, NAFKAM
  • Annikken Cecilie Pettersen - information specialist, NAFKAM



Norway's National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine

We work to give you facts about complementary and alternative medicine, so that you can make safer choices for your health.

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