Our summaries aim to present the best available evidence that exists about CAM interventions for the prevention, treatment or supportive care of cancer. The summaries provide background information of a treatment as well as an appraisal of the evidence of its efficacy and safety. CAM-summaries are peer-reviewed and annually updated.
The primary audience for our summaries are health care professionals. We strive to present the evidence in a clinically meaningful way, for facilitating dialogue between clinicians and their patients and contributing to informed health decisions and patient safety.
Although the summaries are mainly written with a professional readership in mind, the introductory abstracts could also be recommended for lay persons.
The summaries are written using a common template, and presented on the web site with hyper-linked sections that enable easy navigation and distribution. The main A-Z listing provides a total overview of the more than 70 summaries, sorted by intervention name (and in some cases, the specific outcomes investigated). A number of sorting keys for listing the summaries are available:
Dietary approaches - Herbal products - Manipulative/ body-based - Mind-body interventions - Other CAM
All summaries are fully referenced. Summaries including five or more controlled clinical trials/systematic reviews present details and data in table format (Evidence tables).
The summaries are open-access and free to use for educational purposes..