Authors and reviewers

Current authors of summaries

  • Behzad, Ali MD
    Physician at the Department of Haematology and Oncology, University Hospital of Erlangen, Germany
  • Conte, Ellen ND
    Naturopathic Doctor & Research Associate, The Patterson Institute of Integrative Oncology Research & The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Ottawa, Canada
  • Cramer, Holger MSc PhD

Professor of Research into Complementary Medicine Approaches, Institute for General Practice and Interprofessional Care, University Hospital Tübingen, Germany

  • Horneber, Markus MD

Senior Physician, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Klinikum Nürnberg, Paracelsus Medical University, Germany

  • Lorenc, Ava PhD

Senior Research Associate, Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, UK

  • Mora, Dana PhD

Advisor, National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NAFKAM), UiT The Arctic University of Norway

  • Pilkington, Karen BPharm, MSc, PhD, MRPharmS, FHEA

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, School of Health and Care Professions, Faculty of Science and Health, University of Portsmouth, UK

  • Wider, Barbara MA MA

Senior Advisor, National Research Center in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NAFKAM), UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Previous authors of summaries

  • BoehmKatja PhD MSc Health Psychology

Research Fellow, University of Witten/Herdecke, Chair of Medical Theory, Integrative Medicine and Anthroposophy, Germany

  • Bradt, Joke PhD, MT-BC

Associate Professor, Department of Creative Arts Therapies, College of Nursing and Health Professions, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA.

  • Cesari, Italo M PhD

Emeritus Professor, Cancer Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Insitute of Biochemistry Leopoldo de Meis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Cooke, Helen MA, BSc

Integrative Health Advisor, Freelance, UK

  • DennertGabriele MD, MSc (Public Health)

Professor (Public Health and Social Medicine), University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Germany

  • DhoogheLiene MSc, PhD

Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Antwerp, Belgium

  • Ernst, Edzard MD, PhD, FMEdSci, FSB, FRCP, FRCPEd

Emeritus Professor, University of Exeter Medical School, UK

  • FonneboVinjar MD, MSc Epidemiology, PhD

Professor of Preventive Medicine, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

  • GeeraertLuc MSc

Scientific writer, Freelance, Belgium

  • Heyerick, Arne PhD

Program Manager Droia, Strombeek-Bever, Belgium

  • Jolliffe, Rachel MSc

Research and Evaluation Officer, Penny Brohn Cancer Care, UK

  • KalischAlexander MD

Consultant Oncologist, Klinikum Nürnberg, Germany

  • Krumwiede, Karl PhD/Dr oec. troph.

Ecotrophologist (household economics, nutrition and food science), Klinikum Nürnberg, Germany

  • LinXi PhD

Research Assistant, Centre for Evidence-Based Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China

  • Liu, Jianping PhD

Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Chinese Medicine, Professor in Clinical Epidemiology, Beijing, China

  • Moenaert, Ann-Christine MSc

Project Manager, Anticancer Fund, Brussels, Belgium

  • OstermannThomas PhD

Professor of Research Methods and Information Systems in Complementary Medicine, Faculty of Health, Chair of Medical Theory, Integrative and Anthroposophical Medicine, University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany

  • RennerPeter MD

Physician, Department of Oncology and Hematology, Klinikum Nürnberg, Germany

  • Rombauts, Klara MSc

Project Manager, Anticancer Fund, Strombeek-Bever, Belgium

  • Seers, Helen PhD

Research Fellow, Penny Brohn Cancer Care, UK

  • Sieh, Michaela MD

Reliable Cancer Therapies, Belgium

  • Vadeboncoeur, Sarah ND, BSc

Naturopathic Doctor, Ottawa Integrative Health Centre, Canada

  • Wüsthof, Mirjam MD

University Cancer Centre, Hamburg, Germany


The following people have acted as reviewers on the CAM-Cancer project:

  • Arends, Jann (Germany)
  • Awang, Dennis (Canada)
  • Balneaves, Lynda (Canada)
  • Baum, Michael (UK)
  • Benton, Deborah (USA)
  • Biesalski, Hans (Germany)
  • Boehm, Katja (Germany)
  • Boon, Heather (Canada)
  • Braun, Lesley (Australia)
  • Brignall, Matt (USA)
  • Cerny, Thomas (Switzerland)
  • Christensen, Søren Brøgger (Denmark)
  • Cooke, Helen (UK)
  • van Dam, Frits (The Netherlands)
  • Dennert, Gabriele (Germany)
  • Dhooghe, Liene (Belgium)
  • Elkins, Gary (USA)
  • Ernst, Edzard (UK)
  • Fønnebø, Vinjar (Norway)
  • Green, Julia (UK)
  • Horneber, Markus (Germany)
  • Huber, Roman (Germany)
  • Hübner, Jutta (Germany)
  • Huntley, Alyson (UK)
  • Jacobson, Judith (USA)
  • Johannessen, Helle (Denmark)
  • Jolliffe, Rachel (UK)
  • Jungi, Felix (Switzerland)
  • Kaemmerer, Ulrike (Germany)
  • Kraft, Karin (Germany)
  • Lampe, Hans (Germany)
  • Langhorst, Jost (Germany)
  • Lejeune, Stephane (Belgium)
  • Liu, Jianping (China)
  • Manuel-y-Keenoy, Begoña (Belgium)
  • Marinakis, Christiana (Denmark)
  • Meheus, Lydie (Belgium)
  • Mukhtar, Hasan (USA)
  • Musial, Frauke (Norway)
  • Newman, Robert (USA)
  • Olsen, Anja (Denmark)
  • Oneschuk, Doreen (USA)
  • Paludan-Müller, Christine (Denmark)
  • Philipp, Thomas (Germany)
  • Pilkington, Karen (UK)
  • Rombauts, Klara (Belgium)
  • Rossion, Inga (Germany)
  • Rostock, Matthias (Switzerland)
  • Scraub, Simon (France)
  • Seely, Dugald (Canada)
  • Seers, Helen (UK)
  • Stacpoole, Peter (USA)
  • Stapf, Adele (Germany)
  • Stevinson, Clare (UK)
  • Templeton, Arnoud (Switzerland)
  • Tjoenneland, Anne (Denmark)
  • Ulrich-Merzenich, Gudrun (Germany)
  • Wardell, Diane (USA)
  • Weitzman, Sheila (Canada)


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